So I found out today that I have yet another pg friend! She don't live around me so I don't have to see her day to day but its the fact of another friend being pg. And she waited forever to tell me cause she didn't want to hurt my feelings. Shes 5 months pg!! And not only that but this is her 2nd one in the time that I have been ttc!! She got pg about the time that dh and I started and now we are almost at our 3 year mark and shes having another one!! Ugh! Let me add that I am happy for her but still it just sucks!! When is it going to be my turn!!
I broke down and took another test and it was still neg. So I'm 100% sure that I'm not pg, my af has just took a break just to play mind games with me! I was so hoping that I would have ONE by 3 years but I guess not!!!
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